Táctica y Estrategia de Dobles


In modern tennis, doubles is highly respected and practiced at all levels of the game, however a lack of specific training has limited coaches of being able to further explore this arena. A wide range of events and tournaments include doubles within their itinerary, so having good players properly prepared is a great advantage, especially understanding that this is a very interesting alternative as a pathway to professionalism.

It is necessary to understand the base-principles, as well as the technical and tactical aspects of doubles, in order to carry out optimal progress to develop competent players. It is also important to highlight that playing doubles can greatly enhance the performance of singles players at any age.

Throughout the presentation of this course, we will analyze the key concepts of doubles.

The training modules will be:

  • Definition
  • Generalities
  • Basic principles of doubles
  • Competitive level doubles
  • Doubles at the recreational and club level
  • Definition
  • Technical and tactical principles of the serve
  • Technical and tactical principles of the return
  • Basic plays from the serve
  • Basic plays from the return
  • Definition
  • Technical and tactical principles of the volley
  • Technical and tactical principles of the approach
  • Technical and tactical principles of passing-shots
  • Basic plays from the approach and the volley
  • Basic plays from passing-shots
  • Definition
  • Technical and tactical principles of the overhead
  • Technical and tactical principles of the lob
  • Basic plays from the overhead
  • Basic plays from the lob

Finally, applicants must take and pass two exams, one practical and the other theoretical, in order to complete 1 of the 3 mandatory courses of the UPT level 1 certification.

This course is ideal for tennis coaches who want to broaden their teaching spectrum and expand their coaching versatility. Also for coaches who see a future in doubles both for their players and for themselves.

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